Fraternity German model in Tokyo.
Fraternity Life

Edo-Rhenania is part of an organization of fraternities founded in 1856. Many of our traditions have remained unchanged since the 18th and 19th centuries, with some even dating back to the Middle Ages. Edo-Rhenania provides a unique opportunity to continue these proud traditions in a modern setting. We foster ideals of loyalty, sincerity, and courteousness as part of a larger, timeless fraternity etiquette.

Singing and Drinking
Edo-Rhenania organizes many celebratory events. An important part of these events is casually singing traditional Latin and German songs while drinking beer. While members are not expected to sing perfectly, we do teach Latin and German pronunciation. For us, the singing is not as much for performance as it is for bonding with fraternity brothers.

Everyone inducted as a full member takes a pledge to assist his fraternity brothers, no matter the circumstances, and to uphold confidentiality about the internal affairs of the fraternity as well as personal information. Members are here for each other not only as fraternity brothers, but also as true friends. This bond lasts for a lifetime, as even our alumni continue to enjoy events and fraternity social life until retirement.

International Exchange
Our fraternity is part of the Cartellverband, an international umbrella organization of fraternities, which boasts a total of 177 fraternities in 11 different countries. It is customary to visit and host other fraternities, even if you have never met before. Being part of the Cartellverband opens up valuable opportunities for travel and student exchange.

Members of German-style fraternities commonly distinguish themselves by wearing special hats and sashes that display the colors of their fraternity. Edo-Rhenania members proudly wear the colors of our fraternity: Gold, Black, and White.

Academic Excellence
Edo-Rhenania is committed to nurturing the best in our members. Our alumni regularly offer tours of their workplaces and hold presentations at our events. In addition to professional guidance from the alumni, including finding internships, fellow student members help each other with academic endeavors. Equally important is the thought provoking discussions you may have with guests and fellow members. Edo-Rhenania is a hub for the exchange of ideas, and you may find yourself gaining a new perspective.

Bond with Alumni
As explained in previous points, fraternity alumni have an important role in fraternity life. Each new member chooses one alumnus or upperclassman as a mentor. From then on, they refer to each other as “beer father” and “beer son.” A beer father must be ready to support his son in matters inside and outside fraternity life. A beer father also helps with the transition from university life to a successful career. In German, fraternities are often referred to as “elite forges,” where the elites of tomorrow gather experience that enables them to excel.